“But he answered his
father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I
could celebrate with my friends. But
when this son of yours who has
squandered your property with
prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him,'”
Luke 15:29-30
(emphasis mine).
The sound of laughter, the smell of roasting meat – what's going on? It isn't anyone's birthday;
at least I don't think so. What's this spontaneous outburst of celebration?
Curiosity reeled him in. What has father
so excited? I haven't seen him like this in a long, long time.
Old hands firmly gripped his shoulders. The patriarch's face
glowed; gone was the worried, apprehensive look.
“He's back.”
“Who? Who's back Father?”
“Your brother. He's come home.”
The words dropped down in his stomach like a load of lead.
Awhile back I wrote about the Prodigal Son. At that time a
friend asked why I hadn't included the other brother. My reasons were
First, the post would have been too long. Second, I wasn't
sure how to tackle the sibling's lousy attitude. I relate to his feelings and
writing about him strikes a nerve. Let me get out my tranquilizer gun. Here
goes - this is gonna hurt.
John Crowder's book, Cosmos Reborn, provides
interesting insight about the other brother. When the older boy
discovered Party Central in full gear he was confused. What was the happy
occasion? Nothing in his life ever warranted such a celebration. To his horror
he discovered his reprobate younger brother was back and the guest of honor. He
was furious.

“'My son,' the father
said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours,'” Luke 15:31 .
That's right, the older son had received his inheritance
“So he (the father)
divided his property between them,” (the two sons) Luke 15:12 .
His was the double portion. If he'd wanted a fattened calf
and a party, the necessary disposable funds were available for use as he saw
The older brother's accusation of his sibling's financial
irresponsibility was inaccurate. The boy wasted his own money, not his
father's. The pursuit of fun and games led the young man to a far away land.
How did the elder son know the younger spent time with hookers? Hmm.
As the celebration wore on the angry brother remained
outside. He threw his own party - a pity party. Only he and his father
attended. Maybe this son needed a greater dose of the father's love more than his
Have you noticed that the father never held up the elder son as an exemplary role model to his younger boy? He already had one child with a unhappy, dissatisfied slave's mentality. One was enough.
Like the older brother, I've complained to my Heavenly
Father that I haven't received my “fair share.” Foolishly I too overlooked the
fact that He's already given me my inheritance. I've been waiting on God to do
something He's already done. He's been patiently waiting on me to receive what
is already mine and stop whining.
To miss a party in full swing is stupid. I should rejoice
when one presumed dead re-surfaces and is back to life. Their return doesn't
impact what God's already given me. The Law of
Diminishing Returns doesn't operate in God's economy. My Father waits
with me while I mope around and gently nudges me toward the door to join in the
fun. If I'm smart, I'll listen to Him, stop feeling sorry for myself and join
His bash; His are always better than mine, for sure.
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