Hebrews 4:9-11.
What a paradox – rest – available
to the diligent pursuer. Does this mean if I knock myself out trying,
I'll find it? That doesn't sound like God's method of operation. He
did create the Sabbath (which most of us ignore). What
does the writer of Hebrews mean?
The word rest here has two definitions. Its first use means sabbaton and comes from the
Hebrew word shabbat, the root
of our word Sabbath. Sabbaton means to cease from one's
labor, to stop in mid action, which is what the Sabbath is supposed
to be.
The next, katapauo, doesn't mean
kick off your shoes, crash on the couch and watch TV. Katapauo
is to colonize, to create a place for a governmental structure to
take rest. The only other place katapauo appears in the New
Testament is in Acts 7:49 and again has nothing to do with the
Sabbath rest.
The question remains – how do we rest
and establish God's Kingdom at the same time?
Rest is more than a cessation of work;
it is God directed efforts. We put down our well thought out plans
and good intentions in favor of His agenda. We opt for His way even
when it is counter-intuitive to our logic, reason, common sense and
obvious pressing needs.
“Simply put: For us to step into
the reality of what Jesus has already done, we must stop trying to do
it for ourselves.”
Michele Perry, An Invitation to the Supernatural Life, pg.
Efforts aren't directed toward making
something happen. Attention is focused on establishing intimacy with Him which results in God governing every part of our lives. When His kingdom comes and His will is
done in us, the supernatural comes forth effortlessly.
Jesus demonstrated this principle
throughout his ministry. In the midst of a storm, He slept. Later He
simply spoke to the tempest and it dissipated, Mark 4:37-39. Faced
with a crowd of hungry people, He received a boy's lunch, blessed it
and gave thanks. All ate their fill and twelve baskets of
leftovers remained, John 6:1-12. When people were sick, He
healed them. If they died, He raised them back to life. The
discouraged and downcast heard words that lifted their spirits.
Outcasts were included, no longer disenfranchised. Jesus set Himself
up as an ambassador of Heaven. God's Kingdom now established, He
simply brought and deployed Heaven's resources on earth.
What Jesus didn't do was stop every
storm. He never established a permanent feeding ministry despite an
abundance of hungry people. He healed many but at the Pool of
Bethesda, only one cripple man was made whole. Not every person who
died was brought back to life. Jesus didn't lack the power, resources
or willingness to fix every situation. He followed His Father's
explicit instructions, no more, no less. Some like the man at the
Beautiful Gate were healed by the disciples after He ascended. His
responsibility wasn't to do it all, just His part.
So where does that leave us? Jesus said
we're supposed to do not only what He did, but also even great
things. If by greater things He spoke of quality,
quantity or both, we the church are still far from fulfilling that
How much sabbaton would we
experience if we only did what we saw our Heavenly Father
doing and spoke only the words we heard Him saying? Would the urgent cease riding roughshod over our lives and schedules? Would time and
resources be better used directed toward the things God deems
important and not to those outside pressures and even worthy causes
that bear down on us? Would we see more fruit for our expended
energy? God thinks so and He's always right. Perhaps we need to
revisit the concept of rest and in doing so, experience the real
Photo: Photo Morgue
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