Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Watch Your Step

And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in concordance with God's will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:27-28

Sometimes I find praying akin to navigating an active mine field. I'm not sure where to go. Fortunately prayer doesn't cause explosions that could rip me to shreds. It is, however, a more powerful weapon than many realize. Have you needed to pray about a situation and your mind went blank? You didn't have a clue where to begin or what direction to take? Help is on the way.

We can bypass our confused minds when we pray in the Spirit. According to the Apostle Paul, when we pray this way, Holy Spirit Himself intercedes on our behalf. He knows the perfect will of God. He sees all the details of the situation: past, present and future. When we pray in the Spirit God has permission to open and close doors as He sees fit; something only He can do. We give Him free reign to work things out for our best interests.

Here’s another benefit. When we pray in the Spirit, we remove ourselves from the equation. This isn't always easy. We think we know how to help God accomplish His plans and purposes so why bother Him? We've got this all figured out. Truth is, we may not like His answer. His way to get from Point A to Point B may cover territory we'd rather avoid. This problem is eliminated when we pray in the Spirit. We really don't know what's best but Holy Spirit does.

When you have impossible problems; pray in the Spirit. Do you have questions and need answers? Pray in the Spirit. When things are falling apart or even more so, when everything's coming up roses, pray in the Spirit. You'll not only build up your spirit, but also have confidence that you prayed the perfect will of God.

Life can be a mine field. You need to watch your step. Pray in the Spirit and you'll navigate difficult paths safely as you follow God's road map. You'll know for sure that the prayers you prayed are the ones God will answer. Pray in the Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mary, for these pointers on praying in the Spirit.
