"In the Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to his own property" Lev. 25:13
I'm taking a break from my normal routine. My blogs are written several months in advance and any correlation between subject matter and current events is a Divine set-up. This week I decided to weigh in on this matter before and not after the fact.

First, the Shemitah cycle and the Year of Jubilee were given to Israel and the purpose was two-fold. It allowed for the land to have regular periods of rest from production in order to keep nutrients and minerals from being depleted. Doing this helped ensure healthy crops and abundant harvests. Even today it is great gardening and farming advice.
Second, these laws provided a system whereby people who had lost their ancestral lands could be restored to them. In theory, it was a great idea. Unfortunately Israel never consistently followed these practices and paid the price.
So, what does the Shemitah cycle have to do with the U.S. stock and financial markets movement? Scripturally speaking - nothing. These laws applied to Israel alone and there is no biblical evidence that any other nations ever received those mandates or were punished for a failure to comply with them. Although I actively day traded the markets for about five years, I don't classify myself as an expert. I have, however, learned a great deal about market cyclicality and what makes them move in either direction.
If we want to give kudos to someone who understands these things the award goes to Tom McClelland. Tom is a market timer and the offspring of the originators of the McClelland Oscillator, a tool used to forecast market movement. McClelland correctly called August, 24th ahead of time as the day the market would turn down and it did. As far as I know his call wasn't based on either of the two popular Christian premises making the rounds but on solid technical and fundamental information and analysis. And he got it right.
Anyone can predict that our stock market will take a downturn in the fall of the year and have a good chance of being correct. There are several things that go on "under the hood" that contribute to this. Here are just a few.
Managers of large portfolios re-allocate resources. If they've hit their benchmarks for the year they sell out early in order to bank the profits and keep customers happy. If they're on the losing side, for tax purposes, they need to slowly liquidate their holdings of millions of shares in an orderly manner to avoid panic selling. What this means is that the market can continue to rise higher but on reduced volume. That is what happened in our markets over the past few months.
Corporations begin reporting earnings in October but it isn't unusual for some to give guidance ahead of time. If they do the markets can move sharply based on this news. When earnings are announced often companies will give forward guidance; where they see things going in the future. This type of information can also have a serious impact on the market, up or down. Since the financial crisis of 07-08 companies have become leaner and more efficient. This helps the bottom line but only for so long. Unless sales are generated revenues shrink and profitability falters. Many corporations based projections for growth on China 's seemingly robust economy to balance out losses in the U.S. and Europe . Now that China has slowed there's no one else to pick up the slack.
For years our government poured obscene amounts of money into the equity markets and raised stock prices to artificial highs. People felt better when they saw their 401k's and investment portfolios regain the losses and go in the black. With interest rates at record lows, bank accounts were no longer a place to park money. People were forced into the stock market to receive any type of return on an investment. These aren't long term investors. This week the Fed will announce if it will raise rates and there is some speculation that they will. This type of policy change or one whiff of bad news could have short-term investors headed for the exits.
The market's bull run has been built on shaky financial underpinnings. Sooner or later it will reverse, it always does, and the results could be ugly. When that happens it will likely be the result of poor economic and financial policies, short-term investors cashing out, national and international events that can't be predicted and not on God, Shemitah cycles and blood moons.
About blood moons, Peter was very bold to declare that the events of Acts 2 were the direct fulfillment of Joel's prophecy concerning these signs in the heavens. Rather than a time of doom, this event was an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit of God on Jews and Gentiles alike. Prophecy, dreams and visions also expanded. One of my favorite ministers gave this advice concerning blood moons. Based on what Peter said he recommends that one put oneself in a position to receive dreams and visions from God. I like that idea.
Jesus repeatedly spoke out against fear in every way, shape, form and manner. Unfortunately in the Church, fear sells even in direct opposition of the Lord's teachings. Why would unbelievers want what we claim to have when some of us are acting more frightened and pessimistic than they are?
How about you? Are you fulfilling Jesus' command to occupy until He comes or are you hunkered down and hoping for The Great Escape? Has the plethora of gloom and doom promulgated by ministers and ministries caused you to be overcome with fear and dread for the future? If so, is that the type of abundant life Jesus died to give us? The bible tells us over and over that there will be difficult and hard times, challenges to overcome but through Christ we are victorious over them all. Be an overcomer.
Several year ago. I chose to tell people, "I want to survive. When I get into reading my BIble on a regular basis, I found in Romans8:37 "Nay, in these thingswe are more than conquerors." (KJV)
ReplyDeleteYou have some good messages here. Keep up the good work.
Great thoughts. On one hand I appreciate that most of what I've heard of this makes it clear that "God will do as He pleases" and so they stay away from claiming exact dates or specific proclamations about what will come to pass. Yet that seems more like building in wiggle-room and margins for error to avoid accounting for the message they've peddled if/when nothing happens this month.
ReplyDeleteThere sure seem to be a lot of hindsight prophets and fearvangelists around today.