“Fix your eyes on Jesus, the
author and finisher of your faith” Hebrews 12:2
“Turn your eyes upon
Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth
will grow strangely dim.
In the light of His glory and grace.”
As a new Christian the words of this
song brought comfort and reassurance. There was just one little
problem – how did you do it? I wanted to actually see Jesus like
the chorus suggested. Would my everyday cares and problems evaporate
at the sight of His face?
I didn't know anyone who'd ever seen or
would admit to having seen Jesus. Forty plus years ago if I'd stood
up and testified that I'd really seen the Lord I may have received a
polite, tepid response at best. If I persisted in my belief that I'd
had a personal encounter with God I may have found myself in the
Pastor's office for a sit down, or worse, received the left foot of
fellowship. Sound far-fetched?
Oral Roberts was one of the forerunners
of the healing revivals that swept this nation. No fly-by-night kook,
Brother Roberts had a proven, documented track record of miracles and
healings. When he announced that he'd seen a nine hundred foot tall Jesus the
secular media blasted him (no surprise there). The Christian
community crucified him, present company included. The audacity –
someone claiming to see Jesus! If he couldn't see Jesus what made the
rank and file think we were any different. We mocked, laughed and
kept right on singing that same old chorus.
“Because you have seen me you have
believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”
John 20:29. This
verse and 2 Corinthians 5:7 “we walk by faith and not by sight”
seem to exclude the possibility that we can see into the heavens.
It's more necessary than I once thought and it's totally in the realm
of possibility.
Jesus said in John 14:12 that we would
do not only what He did, but even greater things. The Apostle John
told us that if everything Jesus did had been written down there
wouldn't be room enough to contain all the books that documented His
activities. The Lord accomplished a lot in that three year span of
time. The dude was busy. Jesus Himself said that He only did what He
saw the Father doing and only spoke what He heard the
Father saying, John 5:19 (emphasis mine). If it worked for Him, why
are we busy testing out new methods?
Christians like to brag that New
Testament believers have a better covenant than those who lived under
the Old. Genesis eighteen records Abraham's first hand encounter with
God and their discussion concerning the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah. Moses spoke with God “face to face,” Exodus
33:11. Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the seventy elders went up, saw
God and ate with Him, Exodus 24:9-11. Before there was either an Old
or a New Covenant, Enoch “walked with God; then he was no more,
because God took him away” Genesis 5:24. Abraham's personal
interaction with God didn't exclude him from the Hall of Faith
described in the book of Hebrews. For us New Covenant folks, Paul not
only encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus but also visited
heaven on at least one occasion. Those experiences didn't seem to
dampened or diminish Paul's ability to walk by faith.
Sounds like I may be venturing onto
some slippery, theological territory. Am I implying that we can
actually “fix our eyes on Jesus,” as the scripture says? I
may get stoned but I say, “Yes it does.”
This may sound controversial or even
New Age-ish. For the record, there isn't anything new about the New
Age. Everything they have is a counterfeit of something real that
belongs to believers. Do a cursory search of early church history and
you'll find that supernatural experiences weren't unusual. In may
parts of the world outside our Western, logic, reason based
mentality, spiritual things are as real if not more so than what is
seen in the natural. They're normal. If that's so, we could benefit
from that kind of normality here.
How about you? If you could see Jesus
face to face, what would that look like to you? What in your life
could take on more importance when you looked into His eyes? What
would keep you from pursuing that kind of relationship with Him right